Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Sleeping Like the Dead

Squeaking in another one before the year is done! Thanks to Max for the title.

Monday, October 1, 2007

And we're back!

I don't post new drawings as often as I'd like to because, let's face it, nursing school is a lot of work and I'm busy! But when I find the time, drawing is a great way to think more about things that happen-- and plenty of things happen!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Easing your fears. . . and mine.

Sorry about the delay! New classes, new clinicals, new schedule! And new responsibilities, which I assure you I am perfectly qualified for. Aren't I?

Monday, August 27, 2007

What if . . .?

Even when I'm sure that I love what I do and I know that it is the right path for me, I still have doubts sometimes-- not that I love it, but that I am somehow allowed to do it!
This is a doodle that crept up on me over my break from clinicals and classes at the end of the summer.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I did these crude doodles the day before my first clinicals to calm myself down a little bit. Only some of my fears came true. And it wasn't so bad-- my first few days were in a nursing home, and after that in a hospital. I'm happy to report that the nurses I was working with all seemed to remember well what it's like to be a new nursing student-- an experience not shared by all of my classmates. Most important lessons so far? A little bit of respect and a willingness to do scutwork go a long way.

This comic is a retelling of trials and tribulations past (or, before nursing school, when I had time to do things like drive to Tucson!)

Welcome to Nursosaurus, and get ready for some nurse comics to come.